Installing Web Services Explorer

The Web Services Explorer requires approximately 300 MB of disk space.


  1. In Folder Explorer, create a Web Services QuickScan.
  2. In the Setup tab, click the Help icon (Help icon) beside Web Service URLs, and click Download to install the Web Services Explorer. This might take a few minutes.
  3. Launch Web Services Explorer (Start > HCL® Security AppScan® Enterprise Server > Web Services Explorer).
  4. Choose a workflow to explore your web service URLs with the Generic Service Client (GSC) tool:
  5. You will be prompted to save the package which you can then upload to AppScan Enterprise Server to be included as part of a scan. The URLs packaged in the zip file will display in the list and will be tested for security vulnerabilities when you run the scan.

What to do next

Run the scan and view the results.