Default search expressions

When parsing JavaScript™ and Flash, the default search expressions are sufficient to find URLs.

Here are the default patterns the scan job uses to identify URLs in JavaScript and Flash movies:

Table 1. Default Search Patterns Used When Parsing 
Default Pattern Description
regexp: .*\.(html?|gif|jpe?g|png|jsp|cfm|zip|exe|aspx?|pl|pdf|xml|ra|asx|ram|swf)(\?.*)? The file extensions can occur within the URL or at the end of the URL.
regexp: .*\.dll\?.* This pattern matches URLs that contain the string .dll, which can appear within the URL, but not at the end of the URL.
regexp: .*\.nsf((\?|/).*)? This pattern matches URLs that contain the string .nsf, which can appear within the URL or at the end of the URL.
regexp: http:\/\/.+ This pattern matches URLs that begin with "http://".
regexp: mailto:.+ This pattern matches URLs that begin with "mailto".