WAIT general workstations

A WAIT workstation is a general non reporting workstation with the WAIT option set to Y in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation . Using a WAIT workstation you can create a dummy operation that runs for a specified period of time. This time period is defined as the duration of the operation.

You can insert dummy operations on wait workstations between two dependent operations to obtain a controlled delay within a sequence.

Operations started on wait workstations have the extended status set to Executing on a WAIT workstation to remind users that a delay in the defined sequence of operations is occurring.

Note: To change your system local time while operations are active on a WAIT workstation, do not use the command /SET DATE=yyyy.ddd,CLOCK=hh.mm.ss because setting the seconds could cause the operation to delay or anticipate its completion by 1 minute. Change your system local time by using the command: