Remote engine workstations

Use remote engine workstations if you want to define in your scheduling environment dependencies from batch activities managed by other HCL Workload Automation environments. This kind of dependencies is called cross dependencies.

The remote engine workstation manages the exchange of information about cross dependencies resolution between your environment and a remote HCL Workload Automation for Z engine (controller) or an HCL Workload Automation engine (master domain manager).

To define a cross dependency between a job defined in your environment and another job defined on a different HCL Workload Automation engine, you must add a dependency from a shadow job defined on the remote engine workstation. Using an HTTP or HTTPS connection, the remote engine workstation requests the remote engine to identify in the plan the specific job instance that must be bound with the shadow job. The HCL Workload Automation for Z controller is then notified about any changes of status related to the remote job instance. These status changes are mapped into shadow job status changes to allow you to track locally the remote dependency resolution. For more information about shadow jobs, see Specifying remote job information in shadow jobs.

Because remote engine workstations use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to let the HCL Workload Automation environments communicate, before defining a new remote engine workstation, you must define in ROUTOPTS a destination for the remote scheduling environment. The destination must be specified in the remote engine workstation definition. For more details, see Specifying remote engine workstations.

If the remote HCL Workload Automation environment is z/OS® based, a single HTTP address is sufficient to manage in a transparent way failover scenarios because the configuration with a hot standby controller is supported through VIPA and controller and standby controller listen on the same hostname and port.