Using virtual workstations

About this task

The following table shows the supported combinations in terms of controller and tracker components:
Controller without virtual workstations support Controller with virtual workstations support
Tracker without virtual workstations support No error message is issued.
  • The tracker destination results active, waiting for connection.
  • EQQE136E error message is issued in the controller message log.
Tracker with virtual workstations support No error message is issued. The controller ignores some information sent by the tracker. Normal scenario

Suppose you want to define a unique workstation matching the following JES2 MAS system configuration, including three computer automatic workstations: CPU1 with local destination, CPU2 with destination D2, and CPU3 with destination D3.

Figure 1. Example of virtual workstation matching a JES2 MAS

The graphic shows a virtual workstation system.
You can use the following procedure:
  1. Define a computer automatic workstation in the database, with the VIRTUAL option set to Y. In this example, the name of the virtual workstation is V000. Add ******** to the destination list.
  2. Save the current definition of the application descriptions. You can save it in a sequential data set, in batch loader format.
  3. Using the mass update utility, change from CPU1 to V000 the workstation name for all the operations associated to CPU1.
  4. Run a current plan extend or replan process.
  5. Verify that the workload scheduling for V000 works as expected.
  6. Consider removing CPU1 from the database once no more applications remain in the database referring to it and no associated operations remain in the current plan.
  7. Add D2 to the destination list for V000 and iterate, for CPU2, the steps from 2. to 6.
  8. Add D3 to the destination list for V000 and iterate, for CPU3, the steps from 2. to 6.
  1. If you activated the WLM interface and use a virtual workstation for an operation that has a scheduling environment defined, all the destinations in that virtual workstation must belong to the same Sysplex and JESplex.
  2. Before assigning an operation to a virtual workstation, make sure the job can run correctly on all the destinations, checking for possible JCL errors or security violation on any virtual workstation destination.