Triggering event types

HCL Workload Automation for Z generates events when certain incidents occur on the system. The events generated when a resource is set available, or when a job or started task arrives in JES, can be used to communicate to ETT that a particular occurrence should be added to the current plan.

When you define ETT criteria, you specify which event type is triggering HCL Workload Automation for Z to add an occurrence of an application to the current plan.
These occur when a job or started task arrives in JES which cannot be matched with an operation in the current plan. The job that has entered the reader can be the actual job that you want HCL Workload Automation for Z to track, or an IEFBR14 that is being used only as a trigger for additional processing. J-events can also be generated when a STATUS(Q) is requested using the OPSTAT command issued either in native TSO, or in a CLIST or REXX EXEC, the EQQEVPGM using OPSTAT as input, or by using the EQQUSIN subroutine.

The first operation of the added application must be defined on the same type of computer workstation as the triggering event. In other words, if the triggering event is a batch job, the first operation of the added application must be defined on a job computer workstation. If the triggering event is a started task, the first operation of the added application must be defined on a started-task (STC) computer workstation. If the workstation types do not match, no application will be added.

These occur when the availability status of a resource is set to YES. The availability of a resource can be set to YES by the SRSTAT command issued either in native TSO, or in a CLIST or REXX EXEC, the EQQEVPGM batch program using SRSTAT as input, or by the EQQUSIN subroutine. The availability of a resource can also be set automatically when a data set is closed if your installation implements the data set triggering support.

The resource might be one that is also used by operations in the current plan, or it can be a resource dedicated as an ETT trigger.

Note: If you change the availability of a resource on the MODIFYING RESOURCES panel, an R-event is not created. HCL Workload Automation for Z does not recognize this as an ETT-triggering action. This also applies to resources that are created dynamically either from the Dynamic Workload Console or the PIF. For more information about creating and using resources, see Creating special resources.