How you can use ETT to automate tasks

ETT provides a method for automating some tasks currently performed manually. Using ETT, you can reduce processing-request telephone calls or run-request sheets from your operations department.

You can also use the ETT to trigger batch processing from online systems, particularly from on-demand transaction programs. These are ways you might use ETT in your environment:
  • Start batch processing after the receipt of unsolicited file transfer.
  • Request some processing via SRSTAT, which triggers an occurrence to be added to the plan.
  • Start a batch process when NetView® intercepts a particular message.
  • Provide IF-THEN logic in your batch streams: if a step returns CC4, execute a step to trigger APPLA; if the step returns CC8, execute a different step to trigger APPLB.
  • Dynamically add the next occurrence in a sequence, for processing that cannot be determined in advance (database backups that are run only when the database has been changed, for example).
  • Start batch processing initiated by an online transaction.

ETT can be used in many different situations to streamline your operation.