Automatically adding an occurrence to the current plan

You use a J-event or an R-event to trigger the addition of an application occurrence to the current plan. This is equivalent to adding an occurrence using the MODIFYING CURRENT PLAN panel.

When the J or R triggering event occurs, the application occurrence is added to the current plan. If possible, its input arrival time is set to the time of the triggering event. If this is not possible, because an occurrence of the application already exists with that input arrival time, the next closest time available is used. If HCL Workload Automation for Z cannot allocate an input arrival time before the end of the current plan, the occurrence will not be added.

The application description of the occurrence to be added must exist in the AD database. If the application has run cycles specified in the AD database, the deadline date and time of the occurrence are calculated based on the first run cycle that is found. Otherwise, they are set to the input arrival time of the triggering event, plus 8 hours. The input arrival time of operations within the occurrence is calculated using the operation IATs in the AD database.

To control the calculation of the deadline date and time plan, you can define a special period, ETTRCY2, and create a run cycle in the application description that refers to that period. The period must be called ETTRCY2. Define the period as noncyclic, with an origin date of 71/12/31, 31 December 2071, which is the HCL Workload Automation for Z high date. Such a date satisfies requirements for noncyclic period definitions but ensures that applications that refer to the period definition are not accidentally included in the long-term plan. Set the run cycle input arrival time as 00.00, and the deadline day and time as the offset you want to add to the actual input arrival time. If an ETT-added occurrence contains a run cycle that uses the period ETTRCY2, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the deadline day and time defined on that run cycle to calculate the deadline from the actual input arrival time, which by default is the triggering-event time.

If the application has external dependencies, you can specify if these dependencies should be automatically resolved when the occurrence is added to the current plan. An occurrence that has been added to the current plan by ETT will not become the predecessor to an occurrence that is added later by daily planning, even if normal dependency criteria are met.

If the ETT criteria specifies job-name replace, the job name of the first operation is changed to that of the triggering job name. If the first operation has a successor print operation, the job name of the print operation is also changed. The first operation is the one with the lowest operation number. The operation cannot have internal predecessors and must be defined on a computer workstation. HCL Workload Automation for Z ignores the TRACK keyword of the JTOPTS statement for jobname replace. The operation's SUBMIT option is set to NO.

Regardless of whether you use job-name replace, the application occurrence added to the plan can contain up to 255 operations. If you need to trigger the addition of multiple applications from a single triggering event, define the ETT trigger for the first application. The first application can then contain a job to set the availability of a resource to YES, which in turn matches another ETT definition, and the second application is added to the current plan.

If you use ETT to trigger a job when a resource becomes available, you might get into an occurrence-add loop under certain situations. For example, if you want HCL Workload Automation for Z to submit job A when ETT detects the availability of resource X, and X originally has an availability of NO, the following can occur:
  1. Special resource X becomes available (that is, its availability status changes to YES), and ETT detects the change.
  2. In response to the R-event, ETT causes job A to be submitted.
  3. Job A uses resource X, changes its availability status back to YES, and then terminates.
  4. ETT detects the changed availability of X to YES and submits job A again.

In this situation, job A is continually submitted.

Note: When you set the availability of a resource to YES, HCL Workload Automation for Z generates an R-event regardless of the initial status of the resource. If a resource is currently available and you issue an SRSTAT specifying AVAIL(YES), an R-event is generated.

Normally, when an occurrence is added to the plan and resolution of successor dependencies is requested, the input arrival time of the occurrence is used to identify the best candidate operations. ETT-added occurrences are, by their nature, not very predictable. The input arrival time of the occurrence is equally unpredictable.

To control the input arrival time that should be used when establishing predecessor dependencies in the current plan, you can specify an explicit start time on the operation level of the application that is to be added by ETT.

To control the time used when establishing successor dependencies in the current plan, you can define a special period, ETTRCY1 and create a run cycle in the application description that refers to that period. The period must be called ETTRCY1. Define the period as noncyclic, with an origin date of 71/12/31, 31 December 2071, which is the HCL Workload Automation for Z high date. Such a date satisfies requirements for non-cyclic period definitions but ensures that applications that refer to the period definition are not accidentally included in the long-term plan.

If an ETT-added occurrence contains a run cycle that uses the period ETTRCY1, HCL Workload Automation for Z adds the occurrence to the current plan with an input arrival time that corresponds to the current time. As a consequence, to establish successor dependencies HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the time supplied by ETTRCY1, not the occurrence input arrival time.Use the JTOPTS ETTNEWDEP parameter to customize the criteria used by the scheduler when selecting candidate successors. For details, refer to Customization and Tuning.

  • If you define an application that both uses the period ETTRCY1 and has a dependency on itself (with the same input arrival day), you can add it only twice. A further attempted addition will result in a message being displayed describing the ETT failure.
  • Because the successor intervals are created before the predecessor occurrence is added, the ETTNEWDEP parameter does not apply to the resolution of mandatory successors.
  • ETT supports only applications of type A (Applications). If an application of type G (Group) is specified, the application is not added by ETT and message EQQE011E is issued.