Specifying resolution criteria for conditional dependencies

The resolution criteria for conditional dependencies can be specified on the single condition, not on the aggregated condition number. When you specify or modify the resolution criterion of a condition on a given predecessor, also the other existing conditions on the same predecessor are automatically aligned with that criterion.

To specify the resolution criteria for a condition, using the conditions previously defined for job PAYTRANS as an example:
  1. In the CONDITIONS LIST panel enter the S command in the row of condition number 005 to view the condition definitions.
    Figure 1. Specifying the conditions details in the Conditions List panel.
    EQQAMCCL ------------------ CONDITIONS LIST ------------------ Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Enter/Change data in the rows, and/or enter any of the following              
    row commands:                                                                 
    I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete                      
    S - Specify the condition details                                             
    Application     : PAYM2                                                       
    Operation       : CPU1 040    PAYTRANS                                        
    Row  Condition Text                      Cond     Rule                        
    cmd  no.                                 Deps                                 
    '''  003       Check on RC range         1        all                         
    S'   005       Alternative checks        3        specified number of                                                
  2. Enter the T command in the row of the first condition to specify the resolution criteria for the dependency on job GETHRS
    Figure 2. Specifying the dependency resolution criteria for a dependency in the Condition Dependencies Definitions panel.
    EQQAMCCP ------------- CONDITION DEPENDENCIES DEFINITION ----- Row 1 to 1 of 1
    To define a condition dependency enter/change data in the rows, using any     
    of the following row commands:                                                
    I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete, T - Dependency      
    resolution criteria                                                           
    Application     : PAYM2                                                       
    Operation       : CPU1 040    PAYTRANS                                        
      Specify the number of condition dependencies that need to be verified       
      to make the condition true 000. Leave 0 for all of them.                    
    Row Oper     Application Id   Jobname  StepName ProcStep Co Co St  Ret.Code 
    cmd ws.  no. (ext Adid only)                             Ty OP Val Val1 Val2
    T   CPU1 001 PAYREV_____________ GETHRS__ ________ ________ RC RG     0000 0004
    ''' CPU1 001 PAYREV_____________ GETHRS__ ________ ________ ST EQ  C  0000 0000
    ''' CPU3 012 ACCREC24___________ PAYMECH_ ________ ________ RC LT     0008 0000
    The DEPENDENCY RESOLUTION CRITERIA panel is displayed.
    Figure 3. The Dependency Resolution Criteria panel for conditional predecessor GETHRS.
    EQQAMMAC---------------- DEPENDENCY RESOLUTION CRITERIA ----------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
    Application:          PAYM2                   Operation : CPU1 040    PAYTRANS
    Ext Pred Application: PAYREV                  Operation : CPU1  1     GETHRS  
    Resolution criteria chosen is:            C  (C/S/R/A)                        
     -(C) Closest preceding                                                       
     -(S) Same scheduled date                                                     
     -(R) Within a relative interval                                              
      hours (HHH):   ___  minutes (MM):  __   when (B/A before/after IA): _       
      hours (HHH):   ___  minutes (MM):  __   when (B/A before/after IA): _       
     -(A) Within an absolute interval                                             
      time (HH.MM):   _____  for days (D):  _   when (B/A before/after IA): _     
      time (HH.MM):   _____  for days (D):  _   when (B/A before/after IA): _     
    See Specifying dependency resolution criteria for a detailed field description.

    It is not possible to specify mandatory resolution criteria on conditional predecessors, so that the related fields are excluded from the panel.