Job computer workstations

A job computer workstation has the STC option in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation set to N. HCL Workload Automation for Z cannot submit a job unless the computer workstation used by the operation representing the job is available.

To improve the automation of the workload submission to different destinations, you can define a virtual job computer workstation, by specifying a list of destinations for the workload submission (see Virtual workstations). A virtual workstation has the VIRTUAL option in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation set to Y.

A computer workstation associated to a specific destination has the VIRTUAL option set to N. In this case, you can create your computer workstation open intervals (see Specifying workstation open intervals), and specify an alternate workstation where HCL Workload Automation for Z reroutes operations if the normal workstation becomes unavailable. You can also set the status of a workstation from the panel. See Recovery of operations when a workstation becomes inactive for more details on rerouting computer workstation operations and workload restart.

A computer workstation can also submit operations to non-z/OS environments through a user-defined destination. The submission of these operations is handled by the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009.

The way JCL is associated with a job or started-task operation is described in Job statements and computer workstation operations.

Note: When HCL Workload Automation for Z submits a job, it gives control to z/OS® and JES, or some other operating environment. HCL Workload Automation for Z keeps track of what happens to the job or started task and acts accordingly, such as reporting successor operations as ready or starting recovery processing if there is an abnormal termination, but HCL Workload Automation for Z cannot affect how the job or started task executes.