Duration smoothing factor

The duration smoothing factor is a number, 0 to 999, that determines how much a measured duration will change existing values in the application description database. Note that if the measured duration is outside the limits established by the limit for feedback, the smoothing factor is not applied and the AD data set will not be updated.

The new estimated duration is calculated as follows:

ND = OD + ((AD - OD) * SF/100)
The new estimated duration to be stored in the AD database.
The old estimated duration stored there.
The measured duration.
The smoothing factor.

Examples of smoothing factors shows some examples of how the smoothing factor algorithm works.

Table 1. Examples of smoothing factors
Factor Result
0 There will be no feedback, unless you have set FIRSTFDBK(YES) in the JTOPTS statement.
10 The new estimated duration will be the old estimated duration, plus one-tenth the difference between the measured and old estimated duration.
50 The new estimated duration will be the old estimated duration, plus one-half the difference between the measured and old estimated duration.
100 The measured duration replaces the old estimated duration.
999 The new estimated duration will be the old estimated duration, plus 10 times the difference between the measured and old estimated duration.