The current-plan backup process

HCL Workload Automation for Z automatically backs up the active current plan at certain stages in processing.

This is a step-by-step description of the current-plan backup process:
  1. HCL Workload Automation for Z locks the current plan to prevent it from being updated during the backup process. During the backup, events are queued in storage. Panel users working with the current plan might experience a short delay.
  2. The CX data space (EQQCXDS) is backed up to DASD.
  3. The backup current plan is erased.
  4. The active current plan is copied to the backup current plan. The contents of the two are now identical.
  5. The data sets are switched. The backup current plan becomes the active and the active becomes the backup.
  6. A current plan backup record is written to the job-tracking log, and the next available job-tracking log becomes active. The corresponding dual job-tracking log is also switched.
  7. The current plan is unlocked. Normal processing continues. Events queued in storage start to update the active current plan. Panel users' requests are processed.
  8. The data from the now inactive job-tracking log is appended to the job-tracking archive log. The inactive job-tracking log is emptied for future use.

    If you activated the extended auditing feature, the data from the now inactive extended-auditing data log is appended to the extended-auditing archive log. The inactive extended-auditing log is emptied for future use.

A current plan backup is performed at these times:
  • During normal processing, according to the value of the BACKUP parameter of the JTOPTS initialization statement. This parameter specifies the number of current plan updates that must occur before a current plan backup is performed.
  • When the BACKUP command is issued specifying the current plan resource. See BACKUP for more information.
  • Immediately before normal termination of the HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem.
  • When HCL Workload Automation for Z detects that a daily planning batch job has started.
  • After a daily planning batch job has created a new current plan.
  • After current plan recovery processing has successfully re-created an up-to-date current plan.