Browsing run cycle information

The APPLICATION IN THE DATABASE panel has a section for run cycles (see EQQNABGP - Browsing the application description in the database (part 2)). Enter forward slash (/) in the Row cmd column next to a run cycle to open the TABLE ROW COMMANDS panel. The commands available for that run cycle are listed, as shown in the example in Table row commands for a run cycle.

Figure 1. Table row commands for a run cycle
EQQSRCLP                   Table row commands 

Choose the numeric option for the following commands.

                      Line 1 of 5
--- 1. Show Run Cycle details (B/S)
    2. Display the dates generated by this rule (GEN)
    3. Display the Every Options for this rule (E)
    4. Show Period (BPE)
    5. Modify Period (MPE)

********************************* end of data ********************************
1. Show Run Cycle details (B/S)
Displays the BROWSING A RULE basic panel.
2. Display the dates generated by this rule (GEN)
Displays the LIST OF GENERATED DATES basic panel.
3. Display the Every Options for this rule (E)
Displays the EVERY OPTIONS basic panel.
4. Show Period (BPE)
Displays the BROWSE PERIOD panel for the period of the selected row.
5. Modify Period (MPE)
Displays the MODIFY PERIOD panel for the period of the selected row.
You can enter the abbreviations shown in parentheses in the primary command-line in the APPLICATION IN THE DATABASE panel, without having to list the TABLE ROW COMMANDS.