step format

You can add the step option with showjob command to view the information related jobs in step format.

The following details are displayed in step format.

  • CPU

    The workstation on which the job runs.

  • Schedule

    The name of the job stream.

  • SchedTime

    The date and time on which the job is scheduled to run. The date is displayed in mm/dd format.

  • job
    The job name. The notation described below may precede the job name.
    • rerun as

      The job that was rerun either by the rerun command or as a part of automatic recovery.

    • rerun rerun_number of rerun_total

      The job that was run as part of a rerun.

    • repeated as

      Specifies the subsequent run of every job.

  • State

    Specifies the state of job or job stream. For more information, see .

  • Return code

    Specifies the return code of the job.

  • job#

    You can specify the job number of the job.

  • Step

    The processes related to the jobs listed in order. Only host processes are listed for extended jobs.