info format

You can add the info option with showjob command to view the information related jobs in info format.

The details described below are displayed in info format.
  • Workstation
    The workstation on which the job runs.
  • Job stream
    The name of the job stream.
  • SchedTime
    The date and time on which the job is scheduled to run. The date is displayed in mm/dd format.
  • job
    The job name. The notation described below may precede the job name.
    • rerun as

      The job that was rerun either by the rerun command or as a part of automatic recovery.

    • rerun rerun_number of rerun_total

      The job that was run as part of a rerun and the position of job in the sequence.

    • rerun step

      Specifies the job was rerun using rerun;step command.

    • every run

      The second and the subsequent runs of the jobs.

    • recovery
      Specifies the run of a recovery job.
  • Job File
    Specifies the name of the script or the executable file of the job.
    Note: File names that are too long may wrap, resulting in incorrect paging. You can use the option more to have a clear view for the results displayed.
  • Opt

    Specifies the available recovery options. The recovery options are RE for run, CO for continue, and ST for stop. The details described below are also displayed.

  • Job

    Specifies the available recovery options.

  • Prompt

    Specifies the number of recovery prompt.


  1. When you run a command as described below,
    ocli plan sj;info | more
    the result is displayed as follows:
    CPU   Schedule SchedTime  Job      JobFile                Opt  Job Prompt
    M235062+#SCHED_22 1010 03/06
                        JOBMDM   /usr/acct/scripts/gl1
                      (B236153+#)JOB_FTA  echo job12
    M235062+#SCHED_22 0600 03/07
                        JOBMDM   /usr/acct/scripts/gl1
                      (B236153+#)JOB_FTA  echo job12
    M235062+#FINAL    2359 02/13
                        STARTAPPSERVER  /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/../wastools/
                        MAKEPLAN  /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/MakePlan TWSRCMAP:(RC=0) OR (RC=4)
                        SWITCHPLAN  /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/SwitchPlan
    M235062+#FINALPOSTREPORTS    2359 02/13
                        CHECKSYNC /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/CheckSync
                        CREATEPOSTREPORTS  /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/CreatePostReports
                        UPDATESTATS  /opt/HCL/TWA/TWS/UpdateStats
    M235062+#SCHED12  1010 03/06
                        JOBMDM   /usr/acct/scripts/gl1
                      (B236153+#)JOB_FTA  echo job12