Changing site defaults

Site defaults are typically established during site preparation but can be modified later if necessary.

About this task

Use the HCL VersionVault Administration Console to view or edit site-wide properties:
  1. Start the HCL VersionVault Administration Console.
  2. Navigate to the VersionVault Registry node.
  3. Click Action > Properties to view or change site defaults.
You can also use the cleartool lssite command to display the set of site-wide properties and their values. Use the cleartool setsite command to set new values for site-wide properties. For information about the available properties and possible values for them, see the setsite reference page.
Note: Some site defaults can be established only during site preparation and cannot be modified with the HCL VersionVault Administration Console or the setsite command. Before you can change a site default, you must supply the registry password.