Prozedur: Detailliert

Warum und wann dieser Vorgang ausgeführt wird

Mit der Installation von Interact erhalten Sie das GDPR-Dienstprogramm. Es befindet sich unter<Interact_Home>/tools, wobei Interact_Home der Interact-Installationspfad ist.


  1. Einrichten der vor dem Ausführen des gdpr_purge-Dienstprogramms:
    Der Benutzer muss alle unten aufgeführten Informationen für alle Zielgruppen in ihrer Unica Interact-Anwendung ausfüllen:Gemeinsame Konfiguration muss aktualisiert werden:
    ################ global settings ########################
    # The type of the run time system database. It must be one of the following: DB2, Oracle, 
    # The schema of the run time system tables, as configured under
    # Affinium|interact|general|systemTablesDataSource:schema
    # It should be left blank unless the generated SQL script will be executed under a different 
    # schema
    # The type of the production profile database. It must be one of the following: DB2, Oracle, 
    # The schema of the production profile tables, as configured under 
    # Affinium|interact|general|prodUserDataSource:schema
    # It should be left blank unless the generated SQL script will be executed under a different 
    # schema
    # The type of the contact and response history database. It must be one of the following: DB2, 
    # Oracle, MSSQL, MariaDB, INFORMIX
    # The schema of the contact and response history tables, as configured under 
    # Affinium|interact|general|contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource:schema
    # It should be left blank unless the generated SQL script will be executed under a 
    # different schema
    # Query separator character to be used for separating the queries.
    # Nationalized string prefix to be used while generating the DB queries.
    # If your audience name or value specified in csv file has non-English characters 
    # then N prefix should be used for MSSQL.
    Für die Standard-Zielgruppenebene - Kunde:Die untenstehenden Konfigurationen sind für den numerischen Typ Zielgruppe, der Benutzer kann sie auf den Datentyp String ändern. Halten Sie sich an die Anweisungen für jede Konfiguration und aktualisieren Sie diese gemäß Ihren Anforderungen:
    # Name of the audience.
    # This is case sensitive.
    # Staging contact history table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer.
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.CHStagingTable
    # Staging response history table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.RHStagingTable
    # Staging table for contact history attributes, mapped in interact for the audience 
    # level Customer
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.CHAttributeTable
    # Event pattern state table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.EventPatternStateTable
    # User event activity table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.UserEventActivityTable
    # Cross session response table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the contact and response history data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.XSessResponseTable
    # Score override table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the profile data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.ScoreOverrideTable
    # Black list table mapped in interact for the audience level Customer
    # This table exists in the profile data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.BlackListTable
    # Fields mapped in interact table mapping for the audience level Customer.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.Field
    # If composite key is present define multiple fields.
    # Data type for the fields mapped in interact table mapping for the audience level Customer.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name and field name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.<FieldName>.Datatype
    # If composite key is present define multiple field data types.
    # Valid values for these properties are number/string.
    # Absolute path to the input CSV file which has values for different columns defined for 
    # audience level Customer.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.csv
    # For the path separator in Windows, users should use either "\\" or "/", instead of "\"
    # Absolute path to the output SQL file which will be generated by GDPR tool for 
    # audience level Customer.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.output
    # For the path separator in Windows, users should use either "\\" or "/", instead of "\"
    # Maximum size of the output file in megabytes. If value of this property is nonzero 
    # then output files will be split if file size is going beyond the below given limit.
    # Output file could be bit larger than the size specified by below property.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.Output.FileSizeLimit
    # Only positive values are supported.
    Für Zielgruppenebene mit mehreren Feldern:
    Anmerkung: Für die Zielgruppenebene mit mehreren Feldern - z. B. die zusammengesetzte Zielgruppenebene - muss der Interact-Benutzer die Werte durch die Namen ersetzen, die er für die Zielgruppenebenen zusammen mit Feldname und Datentyp in seiner Interact-Anwendung verwendet, und er muss die Zeichenfolge CompositeAudience aus jeder Konfiguration durch den neuen Gruppennamen ersetzen.
    ################ settings for audience level CompositeAudience ########################
    # Name of the audience.
    # This is case sensitive.
    # Staging contact history table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience.
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.CHStagingTable
    # Staging response history table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.RHStagingTable
    # Staging table for contact history attributes, mapped in interact for the audience level 
    # CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.CHAttributeTable
    # Event pattern state table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.EventPatternStateTable
    # User event activity table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the run time system data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.UserEventActivityTable
    # Cross session response table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the contact and response history data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.XSessResponseTable
    # Score override table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the profile data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.ScoreOverrideTable
    # Black list table mapped in interact for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # This table exists in the profile data source
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.BlackListTable
    # Fields mapped in interact table mapping for the audience level CompositeAudience
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.Field
    # If composite key is present define multiple fields.
    # Data type for the fields mapped in interact table mapping for the audience 
    # level CompositeAudience
    # Name of this property should have the audience name and field name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.<FieldName>.Datatype
    # If composite key is present define multiple field data types.
    # Valid values for these properties are number/string.
    # Absolute path to the input CSV file which has values for different columns defined for
    # audience level CompositeAudience
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.csv
    # For the path separator in Windows, users should use either "\\" or "/", instead of "\"
    # Absolute path to the output SQL file which will be generated by GDPR tool for
    # audience level CompositeAudience
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.output
    # For the path separator in Windows, users should use either "\\" or "/", instead of "\"
    # Maximum size of the output file in megabytes. If value of this property is nonzero 
    # then output files will be split if file size is going beyond the below given limit.
    # Output file could be bit larger than the size specified by below property.
    # Name of this property should have the audience name. 
    # Format used here is Interact.<Audience>.Output.FileSizeLimit
    # Only positive values are supported.
  2. Aktualisieren von csv mit der Kunden-ID zum Entfernen aus Systemtabellen:
    1. Unter <GDPR_Home>/werden zwei Beispiel-csv-Dateien für Zielgruppe mit einem Feld (Customer.csv) und mehreren Feldern (CompositeAudience.csv) bereitgestellt.
    2. Der Interact User muss die erste Zeile der csv-Dateien mit dem durch ein Komma getrennten Feldnamen der Zielgruppe aktualisieren.
    3. Fügen Sie in jeder neuen Zeile CustomerIDs hinzu. Der String-Datentyp CustomerID's muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden.
  3. Ausführen des Dienstprogramms gdpr_purge:
    1. Starten Sie die Eingabeaufforderung und navigieren Sie zu <GDPR_Home>.
    2. Führen Sie die Datei gdpr_purge.bat / sh
    3. Fehler werden in die Datei gdpr.log geschrieben, verfügbar unter <GDPR_Home>/logs.
  4. Überprüfung und Ausführung von SQL:

    Der Interact-Benutzer und der Interact-DBA müssen die vom Interact GDPR-Dienstprogramm generierten Anweisungen in der Datenbank, in der sich die Tabellen des Unica Interact-Systems befinden, überprüfen und manuell ausführen.

    Wenn ein zu löschender Kunde eine große Anzahl von Datensätzen hat, die gelöscht werden sollen, kann das Dienstprogramm Interact GDPR mehrere Dateien erzeugen. Die Anzahl hängt von der Größe der Ausgabedatei ab, die in der Eigenschaftsdatei Interact.CompositeAudience.Output.FileSizeLimit für Löschanweisungen angegeben ist. Der Interact-Benutzer/Interact-DBA muss alle diese Dateien auf den jeweiligen Datenbanken ausführen.


Kundendaten werden manchmal trotz der Ausführung des GDPR-Dienstprogramms auf der UACI_XSessResponse-Tabelle in Campaign und den UACI_RHStaging, UACI_CHStaging-Tabellen in Interact neu befüllt. Bei diesen Daten handelt es sich um die Antworten aus den Eingangskanälen, die in den oben genannten Campaign- und Interact-Tabellen eingehen. In solchen Fällen wird erwartet, dass der Benutzer das GDPR-Dienstprogramm erneut für die Zielgruppen-IDs ausführt, für die die Tabellen jetzt neu gefüllt wurden. Es wird also empfohlen, dass der Benutzer die Kunden für den Eingangskanal, für den das GDPR-Dienstprogramm bereits ausgeführt wurde, sperrt, damit ihre Daten nicht neu befüllt werden.