How to verify that Opportunity Detect services are running

When deployment runs fail, you must verify that all the required services are running. To verify that the Streams Remote Control, Interact Design and Real Time Connector services are running, point your browser to the following URLs.


  • In Opportunity Detect, go to Detect > Workspace Manager and select the workspace that is having the problem.
  • Streams Remote Control: http://HOST_NAME:8080/axis2/services/RemoteControl?wsdl, where HOST_NAME is the runtime server name. An XML page should be displayed.
  • Interact Design: http://HOST_NAME:8181/axis2/services/InteractDesignService?wsdl, where HOST_NAME is the design time server name. An XML page should be displayed.
Real Time Connector: http://HOST_NAME:8282/servlets/StreamServlet?command=ping, where HOST_NAME is the runtime server name. An OK message should be displayed.