Fields and buttons on the Batch Run tab

On the Batch Run tab, you can manage run parameters, run deployed workspaces, see the status of the most recent batch runs, and stop and start ongoing runs.

Table 1. Fields and buttons on the Batch Run tab
Field or button Description
Deployment Configuration Select a deployment configuration to run and click Start.

Only deployment configurations that are successfully deployed and ready to run are listed. If you expect a deployment configuration to be available and it is not listed, check the Streams server logs and correct any problems. Then, start the deployment configuration and try to perform the run again.

If any transaction data source in the deployment configuration has been mapped to the Web Service connector, the deployment configuration is not available for batch runs.

Run Parameters
Feed Path Location of the feed files.
Inactivity Mode If your workspace includes any Forward Inactivity components or Pattern components configured with the negative event mode, to enable the component to process data as expected you must select On in this field and also set the date in the Inactivity Date field.
Inactivity Date Specifies the date the system uses to check for inactivity. Applies only to workspaces that contain Forward Inactivity components or Pattern components configured with the negative event mode, when the Inactivity Mode field is set to On.

It is possible that no transactions for a customer whose transaction has activated the component will be processed when the component is due to fire. In those cases, the system uses the date set in the Inactivity Date field to determine whether the component should fire. Typically, you should set this field to the latest transaction timestamp in the batch file being processed.

Artificial Transaction Check this box if your workspace includes any components that use an artificial transaction.

You can select the following options.

  • Off - No artificial transaction is set.
  • End of Day - Sends an artificial transaction to indicate the end of day at the end of each unique transaction date in the feed files.
  • End of Run - Sends an artificial transaction after all transactions are sent for a user, regardless of how many transaction dates are in the feed files.
System Log Level Set the logging level for a batch run. Optionally, select a system log level for real time runs. Options are as follows, listed in ascending order of detail.
  • Fatal
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Trace
  • Debug

Raising the log level can affect performance.

You can also update the logging level during runs by selecting a deployment and clicking Update logging level icon Update Logging level on the Deployment tab.

Run in Recovery When this box is selected, if a run fails, and you re-start the run after fixing any problems, the system attempts to resume the run where it left off. You must wait three minutes for the automatic save to complete before attempting to re-start the run.
Batch Notification Select this box if you have a batch notification file and you want to receive notifications.
Most Recent
Stop icon

Stop button

Click to stop a batch run.
Start icon

Start button

Click to re-start a batch run that has been stopped.
Run id Unique identifier for the most recent run.
Detail id A counter that increments each time a recovery run occurs.
Deployment Configuration The name of the deployment configuration used for the run.
Start Time Date and time of the beginning of the run.
End Time Date and time of the end of the run.
Run Time Duration of the run.
State During the run, this column may display a variety of interim states. When a run ends, the state is one of the following.
  • Run Success
  • Run Failed