To add personalization fields to links in a template or snippet

You add a personalization field to a link in a template or HTML snippet by embedding the personalization field as a link parameter. You can add one or more personalization fields to the same link. Add the personalization field as a link parameter in the following format.


Where pf is the parameter name

PF_NAME is the name of the personalization field as it is defined in your Deliver installation. You must specify the name exactly as it is configured in Deliver. The personalization field name is case-sensitive.

Adding a single personalization field to a link

To add a single personalization field to a link, modify the link as shown here.

<a href=""/>

Adding multiple personalization fields to a link

To add multiple personalization fields to a link, configure the link as follows.

<a href="

You can combine personalization field parameters with other link parameters, but you must enclose each personalization field name with an opening and closing # character.

Adding personalization fields to an image link

To add personalization fields to an image link, configure the link as follows.

<a href="
<img src=>