To add personalization fields to text in a template or HTML snippet

You add a personalization field to text anywhere in the template or snippet with the HTML tag <UAEpf>. The tag is case-sensitive and takes the following format.

<UAEpf n="PF_NAME"/> 

Where PF_NAME is the name of the personalization field as it is defined in your Deliver installation. The personalization field name is case-sensitive. You must specify the name exactly as it is configured in Deliver.

For example, for a personalized transactional email sent to welcome new customers, you can define the following.

<p>Welcome <UAEpf n="name"/>!</p>

<p>We are pleased to earn your business. 
We mailed your <UAEpf n="CustType"/> Benefits Card 
on <UAEpf n="CardShipDate"/>. 
Please visit our nearest branch office at <UAEpf n="LocalOffice"/> 
to receive your welcoming gift of <UAEpf n="MonthlyPromo"/></p>.