Unica Campaign report generation utility syntax and options

The unica_acgenrpt utility supports the following syntax and options. Run unica_acgenrpt on each listener node, as needed. This utility operates on the .ses file.

The unica_acgenrpt utility has the following syntax:

unica_acgenrpt -s <sesFileName> -h <partitionName> -r <reportType> [-p <name>=<value>]* [-d <delimiter>] [-n] [-i] [-o <outputFileName>] [-y <user>] [-z <password>] [-v]

Table 1. Unica Campaign report generation utility (unica_acgenrpt) options





-s <sesFileName>

Specifies a Unica Campaign flowchart (.ses) file on which to operate. The file name should include the path below the partition in which this flowchart file is located (defined using the -h option). For example, a valid value for -s is:

"campaign/Campaign C00001_C00001_Flowchart 1.ses"

The <sesFileName> can contain wildcard characters to operate on multiple matching flowcharts.


-h <partitionName>

Specifies the name of the partition in which the flowchart file (specified with -s) is located.


-r <reportType>

Specifies the type of report to be generated. Valid values include:

  • CellList (Cell List report)
  • Profile (Cell Variable Profile report)
  • XTab (Cell Variable Crosstab report)
  • CellContent (Cell Content report)


-p <name>=<value>

Specifies report parameters using name=value pairs. The -p option can appear multiple times, and must appear after the -r option. For a list of valid name=value pairs supported by the -p option, see Parameters used with the unica_acgenrpt -p option.


-d <delimiter>

Separates columns in the output file. The default is TAB.



Includes column names before the report data in the output file.



Appends a unique text identifier to the end of the output file.


-o <outputFileName>

Specifies the output file name. The default is <sesFileName> with .ses replaced by .csv; specifies a destination directory when using wildcards.


-y <user>

Specifies a login user name for Unica Campaign.


-z <password>

Specifies the password for the user login.



Displays the version number of the utility and exits.