Example: Importing a campaign or flowchart

The following examples show how to use the session utility (unica_acsesutil) to import a campaign or flowchart.

unica_acsesutil -s <sesFileName> -h <partitionName> 
-i <importFileName> [-f { flowchart | campaign | session }]
[-b { abort | replace | skip }] 
[-S <datasource> -U <DBusername> -P <DBpassword>]

Example 1: Importing a campaign

unica_acsesutil -s "campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001.ses" -h partition1 
     -i campaign.exp -f campaign

Example 1 uses the previously generated campaign.exp file and imports Campaign C000001 data to the system tables on the target system, as well as to the "campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001.ses" file located on partition1.

Example 2: Importing a flowchart

Before you can import a flowchart to a target system, the flowchart .ses file and its associated campaign or session must already exist on the target system. Therefore, you must: 1) manually copy the entire Campaign|partitions|partition[n] folder structure to the target system. You do not need to copy the tmp folder, and you may or may not want to copy the logs folder. Before you remove any files from the source system, be sure to do a complete backup of the entire folder structure (although you can omit the tmp folder). 2) Ensure that the .ses file for the flowchart exists on the target system (it should, if you copied the folder structure), and 3) Use unica_acsesutil to import the associated campaign or session to the target system. After you complete those steps, you can use unica_acsesutil to import each flowchart.

unica_acsesutil -s "campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001_ 
Flowchart1.ses" -h partition1 -i import.exp -f flowchart

Example 2 uses the previously generated flowchart.exp file and imports the data associated with Campaign C000001_Flowchart1 to the system tables on the target system, as well as to the "campaigns/Campaign C000001_C000001_Flowchart 1.ses" file located on partition1.