Select method for LCConnection

This method calls an RFC or BAPI specified by the METADATA and MODULETYPE properties.

It receives an input field list, invokes an RFC, and stores the result set in the output field list. The method name is Select.

This method produces a result set from the defined METADATA object in SAP.

The following properties are used by Select to refine the result set contents and properties:

Properties Description
METADATA Indicates the metadata in the connection containing the target records.
WRITEBACK If supported, determines whether to produce a writeback result set or not. If TRUE, the result set produced should support writeback versions of Update and Remove. A writeback result set generally locks the source metadata.
FIELDNAMES Provides a list of fields to include in the result set. Only fields in this text list should be included in the result set, in the order provided. The fields in the fieldlist will be in the order in this list (to order the actual record values, use ORDERNAMES). Specify no value to include all metadata fields. Multiple fields can be specified with a text list or as text with comma or semicolon separated values.
ORDERNAMES Provides a text list of fields by which to order the result set data in ascending order, from first to last. Specify no value for an unordered result set. Multiple fields can be specified with a text list or as text with comma or semicolon separated values.
CONDITION Provides a conditional clause to be embedded in the internal statement produced. This value is supplied in a syntax defined by each individual Connector.
STAMPFIELD Provides a field name to be used as a timestamp/boundary. If this value is set, then the Connector should check BASESTAMP for a minimum datetime value. In addition, the Connector should request the current time from the data provider, set the MAXSTAMP property to this value, and include it as an upper time bound.
BASESTAMP If STAMPFIELD is set, provides the base datetime for the selection. Only select records with STAMPFIELD greater than BASESTAMP. Ignore this property if STAMPFIELD is not set.
MAXSTAMP If STAMPFIELD is set, obtains the current datetime from the data source and sets it as the value of this property. Only select records with STAMPFIELD less than or equal to this value. Ignore this property if STAMPFIELD is not set.
SCROLLABLE If supported, determines whether the result set produced should support backwards movement as well as forwards.
RECORD_LIMIT If supported, any result set produced should be limited to this many records. A value of zero (the default) indicates no limit.

Key Flag Rules

Keys in the key fieldlist provide conditional key values. The default condition is equality, but field flags allow other options.

When checking inequality key flags GT, LT, and NE, the default of no flags is equal.

The following combinations are valid for inequality flags:

equal to: LCFIELDF_KEY

greater than or equal to: LCFIELDF_KEY + LCFIELDF_KEY_GT

less than or equal to: LCFIELDF_KEY + LCFIELDF_KEY_LT




In addition, the flag LCFIELDF_KEY_LIKE may be combined with LCFIELDF_KEY to perform a similarity comparison. Support for and the behavior of a LIKE comparison depends on the connector being used.
Note: The LIKE key flag may not be used in conjunction with any inequality key flags.