Intercept document delete in HEI

Use transaction XD06 for a delete event. This transaction doesn’t actually delete a customer from ECC, but it marks the customer for deletion when additional administration processes in ECC are run.

Here is a sample SAP connection document for this type of transaction:

Here is an example of a Virtual Fields activity document for this type of transaction:

You must fill in the Field List items even though they are not used. The field name simply acts as a place holder within the activity document. The actual activity is driven by the screen fields defined in the connection document. That is why KNA1-LOEVM=X was set in the SAP connection document. Alternatively, you could simple place everything under the Key List -- they will be passed to the SAP Connector. In this case they are not really keys, they are only values passed to the transaction.

You must enter the transaction code in the Stored Procedure field, as shown in the following example: