Enabling anonymous authentication through the Trust Association Interceptor

WebSphere® Application Server requires the anonymous Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) to be enabled to allow access to anonymous Sametime® browser clients using audio-visual features.

About this task

Use this procedure to enable anonymous authentication with SIP (not secure). If you are using SIPS, set enable.anonymous.token.auth.tai to true by completing the procedure Adding Trust Association properties to enable anonymous authentication.


  1. Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console for the SIP Proxy/Registrar.
  2. Click Security > Global security.
  3. Click Web and SIP security > Trust association.
  4. In the "Additional Properties" section, click Interceptors.
  5. Click com.ibm.sip.auth.AnonymousAuthTAI.
  6. Find the custom property anonymous.user.id. Add the property if it does not exist.

    For its value, use the same anonymous user ID that you mapped to the anonymous security role for the SIP Proxy/Registrar (for example, anonymous@example.com).

  7. Find the custom property enable.anonymous.auth.tai. Set the value to true to enable anonymous authentication.
  8. Click Apply and then Save.
  9. Restart all WebSphere Application Server processes.