How do I create a new widget using the wizards?

You can create a new widget by clicking the Getting Started with Widgets or Configure a Widget from Current Context toolbar options, or their corresponding My Widgets menu options, to open the applicable wizard sequence. For each widget type, wizard text instructs you what to do next.

If you are new to widgets, click the Getting Started with Widgets toolbar button to begin. If you have some experience creating widgets, open the HCL Notes® context (form, view, XPage, or document), composite application, or Web page, Google Gadget or feed target and then click the Configure a Widget from Current Context toolbar button to begin creating the widget within the context of the active Notes® or Web item.
Note: If you are using Notes® and using the widget configuration wizards to build widgets from a Web page, feed, or Google Gadget context, enable the embedded Notes® Web browser using options on the File > Preferences > Web Browser page.
Note: You can also simply add the current context to the client sidebar panel using the Add as a Panel toolbar option.
The available widget types are:
  • Notes View, Document, Form, or XPage
  • OpenSocial
  • Web page
  • Google Gadgets
  • Feed
  • Features and Plugins
  • Composite Application