What's new with CF07 | HCL Digital Experience

This Combined Cumulative Fix includes new features and improvements.

Some features are ready for immediate use when you apply the latest combined cumulative fix. Other features require extra configuration or a procedure to enable the feature.

HCL Digital Experience Version CF07 and earlier documentation

The Version CF07 and earlier documentation is available only in PDF format. Go to the following link to find the documentation for CF07, CF06, CF05, CF04, CF03, CF02, or CF01:

Updates to Dojo 1.9 modules

Use new theme modules to write Dojo dijits. The Dojo 1.9 Claro Theme Artifacts module, dijit_theme_basic_19, contains basic styles to render dijits. The Dojo 1.9 Basic Theme Artifacts module, dijit_theme_claro_19, contains the Claro theme from Dojo.

Worklight is now IBM® MobileFirst®

MobileFirst® replaces Worklight to provide multi-channel support to your web communities and is now supported by the v7.0 server.

Improved manual syndication options

Manual syndication has been improved to give users more choice when updating a syndication relationship to include a Rebuild with mirror option. If you select the mirror option, all items on the subscriber are reset to mirror the syndicator. All items that are newer on the syndicator are sent to the subscriber. Items that are newer on the subscriber are overwritten with the older version from the syndicator. Items that are created on the subscriber that do not exist on the syndicator are removed from the subscriber. Version history is not syndicated.

Page template mappings

The selection of a presentation template is now optional when creating template mappings for Page templates:

The ML Translations text element is now hidden on forms

The ML Translations text element is displayed in the content item form only if the Multilingual Solution is enabled. Otherwise, this element is hidden in the content item form, but still visible in the Manage Elements dialog.

Text provider strings can now be stored in content items and site areas

Previously, the strings used by the text provider plug-in had to be stored in a custom plug-in. Now they can be stored in content items and site areas, allowing users to create and maintain text provider strings from within Web Content Manager.

Additional rendering modes for web content

Additional rendering modes for web content have been added to allow users to define separate presentation templates for different media, such as JSON, XML, HTML, plus a summary mode.

Web content tag behavior and enhancements

Web content tag enhancements have been added to simplify and improve tag creation and usage.

Project template updates

You can now select a project template as the default project template. You can now hide the Editors and viewers selection tool within the Publish Options, Approval Settings, and Custom Action sections of the project form.