Query checkout

z/OS Extensions provides a query operation that you can use to query checkout files.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 5.
  2. In the Query Checkout Files panel, type the ClearCase user id in the ClearCase User field.
    A blank or * indicates all users.
  3. Type '/' in the Current view field to query only in the current view.
    Otherwise, query in all views.
  4. Type '/' in the Reserved field to query reserved checkout files.
  5. Type '/' in the Unreserved field to query unreserved checkout files.
  6. Select a single data set to query.
    You can use F7 or F8 to page up and down or use the LOC command to locate one data set. See Locating files in a file list for details on the LOC command.
  7. Press Enter to run a query.


In the Query Checkouts Result panel, press F7 or F8 to browse the results or press F3 to exit.