Using parameterized build with TSO Client

Using parameterized build, you can submit your z/OS® files that are stored in ClearCase® for compiling, linking, or uploading to the mainframe from the TSO Client interface.

Before you begin

Before you can use parameterized build, the following tasks must be completed:
  1. A ClearCase administrator must configure parameterized build. See Configuring parameterized build on Windows or Configuring parameterized build on UNIX for instructions.
  2. You need to add the following parameters to your TSO Client profile:
    • PARMBUILD_SCRIPTS to specify the location of the parameterized build scripts.
    • PARMBUILD_PROFILE to specify the location of the profileUSER file. This parameter is required for all UNIX environments and for Windows environments that use a table-driven configuration.
    For more information about profile parameters, see Configuring the TSO Client environment and Profile parameters. For more information about table-driven and attribute-driven configurations for parameterized build on Windows, see Configuring the build project VOB. UNIX environments use only the table-driven configuration as described in Designing a project life cycle map.
  3. The Remote Build server and TSO Client server must be activated. See Starting and stopping the Remote Build server and Starting and stopping the server and client components of TSO Client for instructions.
  4. Prepare to work with files from the TSO Client. See Preparing to work with files for instructions.

About this task

Parameterized build for TSO Client uses the TSO Client interface as a workplace to perform parameterized builds on ClearCase elements directly from the ClearCase repository and places the output results into partitioned data sets on the z/OS system. The build scripts that execute the build process reside on the ClearCase distributed system.

When you request a parameterized build function from the TSO Client, the commands to execute a build are sent to the distributed system. Based on the parameterized build setup on the distributed system, the appropriate build process is submitted. A set of BCLs are generated and the remote build is invoked to perform the functions on the z/OS system, such as allocate temporary data sets, upload the source program from ClearCase to the z/OS system, precompile source if needed, compile the source program, save the output object and link-edit control file to your data sets, perform link-editing, and save the load module to a predefined data set.

Select a link in the following list for more information about each parameterized build operation.

Submits the selected program for compiling on the z/OS system.
Compile in batch mode
Submits the selected program for compiling on the z/OS system. This command performs the parameterized build request in batch mode
Upload Copy Member to Host
Uploads a copybook member to the z/OS system.
Submit Link Job
Submits a link job to the mainframe, such as to link multiple source modules into one linking load module.