Using parameterized build from the UNIX command line

Using parameterized build, you can submit your z/OS® files for compiling, linking, or uploading to the mainframe from the UNIX® command line.

Before you begin

Before you can use parameterized build, the following tasks must be completed:
Note: The parameterized build sample scripts represent one approach to automating Remote Build operations. The scripts need to be customized to suit the needs of your environment. If your administrator has altered the scripts, the instructions for using them might need to be altered as well.

About this task

After the parameterized build sample scripts have been configured, you can issue commands for the following tasks.

Select a link in the following list for more information about each parameterized build operation.

Parameterized build command syntax
This topic describes the syntax for the parameterized build commands you can issue from the UNIX command line.
Submits a COBOL program for compiling on the mainframe.
Upload Copy Member to Host
Uploads a copybook member to the mainframe.
Submit Link Job
Submits a link job to the mainframe, such as to link multiple source modules into one linking load module.