Parameterized build command syntax

This topic describes the syntax for the parameterized build commands you can issue from the UNIX® command line.


The parameterized build samples are Perl scripts that you can run using the following command syntax:
perl  -I /sampleScriptInstallationPath/| [-x] [-l] -i /userProfilePath/profileUSER -d /viewElementDirectoryPath targetFiles


The Perl command. You can also run parameterized build scripts using the ccperl command. You need to ensure that you point to the location of the perl.exe or ccperl.exe file in your user profile.
-I /sampleScriptInstallationPath/|
Points to the parent or main parameterized build script. This script gets called for every build request. Specify the location of the parameterized build script on the UNIX server for sampleScriptInstallationPath. Use the script for compile and link operations and the script for upload copybook operations.
This optional parameter turns on the expiditer option on the compiler. This option is valid only with the script.
This optional parameter identifies the link job to be submitted. This option is valid only with the script.
-i /userProfilePath/profileUSER
Points to your user profile. Specify the location of the user profile file on your workstation for userProfilePath. Blank spaces are allowed in the path name.
-d /viewElementDirectoryPath
Identifies the directory where the elements are located. Specify the view element directory path for viewElementDirectoryPath. Blank spaces are allowed in the path name.
Identifies a file or a list of files to be compiled. Specify the file names for targetFiles. Blank spaces are allowed in the file name.