ClearCase View Updates Notification Schedule preferences

Use the View Updates Notification Schedule preferences page to specify a schedule to automatically check for view updates or new baselines.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls are displayed on the View Updates Notification Schedule dialog box.

Column name Displays
ClearCase View Displays the currently selected ClearCase® view. To change the current view, type another view name in the text box or click the dropdown option and select a different view.
Automatically check for view updates Click to specify scheduled runs to check for view updates. When you select this option, the Run list box and the Add button become active.
Run Displays the Day and Time when the check is scheduled to be run. This list box becomes active when you select the Automatically check for view updates option.
Add Click to specify times to check for view updates or new baselines. This button becomes active when you select the Automatically check for view updates option.
Remove Click to delete the currently selected scheduled run in the Run list box.
Restore Defaults Click to restore the default settings to the View Updates Notification Schedule preferences page.
Apply Click to apply any changes you have specified while leaving open the Preferences dialog box.
OK Confirms the operation and closes the Preferences dialog box.
Cancel Discontinues the operation without committing any changes you have made.