Groups preferences

Use the Groups preferences page to specify how ClearCase® should handle information about Groups.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls are displayed in the Groups dialog box.

Column name Displays
Use default Click to specify that the current primary group setting on the server is in effect when you connect to a ClearCase server.
Use defined groups Click to specify a primary group that is different from current primary group setting on the ClearCase server. When you select this option, the ClearCase Primary Group text field and the Add button become active.
ClearCase Primary Group (Web views only) Enter the name of the Windows or Linux or UNIX group to use as your primary group when establishing your credentials on the CCRC WAN server. You must select Use defined groups to activate this option.
Note: This preference applies only to Web views. To specifying the Primary Group for a Dynamic view, you must use an environment variable which is defined outside of the ClearTeam Explorer.
Additional ClearCase Groups Displays any ClearCase groups you specify in addition to the ClearCase primary group.
Add Click to add a group to the Additional ClearCase Groups list box. In the Add ClearCase Groups dialog, enter the names of the groups in the ClearCase Group(s) text box, separating group names with a colon (:) or semi-colon (;).
Remove Click to remove the currently selected group from the Additional ClearCase Groups list box.
Restore Defaults Click to restore the default settings to the Groups preferences page.
Apply Click to apply any changes you have specified while leaving open the Preferences window.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.