Detect and Repair Discordance Schedule

Use the Detect and Repair Discordance Schedule preferences dialog box to search for and repair ClearCase® resources that are currently in a discordant state on a regularly-scheduled basis.

When a resource in a ClearCase automatic view or web view is in an unknown state, it means there is disagreement or discordance between the client and the server about the state of the resource. Use the Detect and Repair Discordance Schedule preferences to schedule times when you want to scan for and automatically repair resources that are in a discordant state.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls are displayed in the Detect and Repair Discordance Schedule preferences dialog box.

Column name Displays
Automatically scan for discordance Click to specify that the ClearTeam® Explorer automatically scans your views for discordance on the days and times you specify in the Run schedule table.
Add Click to add a day and time to the Run schedule table. The default day schedule is Daily and the default time is 12:00 AM. To change the day, click in the Day column, click the option list control, and click a day of the week. To change the time, click in the Time column, click the option list, and select a different time or time span.
Remove To remove a scheduled day and time, select a row in the Run schedule table and click this option.
Restore Defaults Click to restore the default settings to the Detect and Repair Discordance Schedule preferences page.
Apply Click to apply any changes you have specified while leaving the Preferences dialog box open.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.