ClearCase pending changes schedule preferences

Use the ClearCase® pending changes schedule preferences dialog box to enable and specify a schedule for pending changes updates.

Use the Pending Changes Schedule preferences to schedule times when you want to display the Pending Changes view.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls are displayed in the Pending Changes Schedule dialog box.

Column name Displays
ClearCase View Click to specify a view for which you want to schedule the process of viewing the pending changes.
Edit Configuration You must configure pending changes before you can view them. If you have not yet configured your options for the Pending Changes view, this option is active and invokes a dialog box that enables you to configure pending changes.
Automatically collect pending changes for this view The process of collecting pending changes is an information-gathering process that includes such tasks as running an update preview, searching for checked out resources, searching for hijacked resources, and so on. Click to specify that you want to gather the pending changes for a view automatically so that you can schedule times to view the pending changes.
Add Click to add a day and time to the schedule table. The default day schedule is Daily and the default time is 12:00 AM. To change the day, click in the Day column, click the option list control, and click a day of the week. To change the time, click in the Time column, click the option list, and select a different time or time span.
Remove To remove a scheduled day and time, select a row in the schedule table and click this option.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.