Compare/Merge Providers preferences

Use the ClearCase® Compare/Merge Providers preferences dialog box to manage external, 3rd-party Compare/Merge Provider tools.

The Compare/Merge Providers preferences page allows you to specify external, 3rd-party Compare/Merge Provider tools and to set parameters for these tools. The Compare/Merge Providers you specify on the Compare/Merge Provider Preferences page apply only to entries in the override table listed on the Compare/Merge Preferences page and are based on a resource's name or type. In addition, you can also specify that a preprocessing script or application be run before a Compare/Merge operation. If the Compare/Merge Provider you specify cannot perform the requested operation (such as, for example, comparing multiple directories), you can select an alternate Provider.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls are displayed in the Compare/Merge preferences dialog box.

Column name Displays
Providers The Providers table contains a list of all external, 3rd-party Compare/Merge providers you have specified. If you have specified that the provider is used for Compare operations, the C column of the table entry contains a check mark. If you have specified that the provider is used for Merge operations, the M column of the table entry contains a check mark. If you have specified a preprocessor for the provider, the P column of the table entry contains a check mark. The name you have specified for the external provider appears in the Provider Name column of the table. The directory path to the external provider tool appears in the Path column of the table.
New Click to invoke the New Provider dialog box which you can use to add a new Compare/Merge Provider tool, specify its function, and set its aguments.
Edit Click to invoke the Edit Provider dialog box which you can use to change the function and arguments of the currently selected Provider.
Remove Click to remove the currently selected Compare/Merge Provider tool from the Providers table.
Restore Defaults Click to restore the default settings and any changes you made are not retained.
Apply Click to apply the current settings and leave the dialog box running.
OK Click to apply the current settings and dismiss the dialog box.
Cancel Cancels the operation.