Rich text editor keyboard shortcuts

The rich text editor that is used by the IBM® Connections applications contains keyboard shortcuts that you can use to manipulate the editor without using a mouse.

Keyboard navigation

To get help with keyboard navigation, press Alt+0, where 0 is a zero, to open the Accessibility Help window.

Table 1. Basic navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Move focus into and out of the editor. Tab or Shift+Tab
Move focus from editing area to editor toolbar. Alt+F10
Open the pop-up menu in the editing area. Shift+F10 or Ctrl+Shift+F10
Move focus to the element path bar. Alt+F11
With the path bar in focus, select HTML elements that are parents of the currently selected element. Tab or Shift+Tab
With the path bar in focus, move focus back to the editing area without changing selection. Esc
With the path bar in focus, select the element in the editing area. Enter
Table 2. Toolbar navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Move focus to the next subtoolbar. Shift+Tab
Move focus forward among toolbar items. Right Arrow
Move focus backward among toolbar items. Left Arrow
Start selected toolbar item. Enter
Move focus back to editing area without using commands. Esc
Table 3. Dialog navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
When focus is not on a dialog tab, move forward through input elements in a dialog. Tab
When focus is not on a dialog tab, move backward through input elements in a dialog. Shift+Tab
When focus is on a dialog tab, move forward through tab pages in the dialog. Tab or Right Arrow
When focus is on a dialog tab, move backward through tab pages in the dialog. Shift+Tab or Left Arrow
Move focus to the currently active tab. Alt+F10
Close the dialog without completing an action. Esc
When a single-line text input is in focus, save and close. (The equivalent of pressing OK.) When a tab is in focus, move focus to the first input element inside the tab page. Enter
Table 4. Pop-up menu navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Move down in a pop-up menu. Tab or Down Arrow
Move up in a pop-up menu. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow
Complete a menu action or open a submenu. Enter
Close a pop-up menu without completing an action. Esc
Table 5. Style list box navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Move down in a list box. Tab or Down Arrow
Move up in a list box. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow
Complete the selected action, and then put the focus back on the editing area. Enter
Close the list box without completing an action, and put the focus back on the toolbar. Esc
Table 6. Color selection box navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Move forward through colors in a color selection box. Tab or Down Arrow
Move backward through colors in a color selection box. Shift+Tab or Up Arrow
Apply the selected color to the current selection in the editing area, and move focus back on the editing area. Enter
Close the color selection box without completing an action, and move focus back on the toolbar. Esc
Table 7. Editor navigation
Edit action Keyboard shortcut
Bold Ctrl+B
Underline Ctrl+U
Italic Ctrl+I
Select all Ctrl+A
Insert unordered list (Mozilla Firefox only) Ctrl+\
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Copy Ctrl+C
Cut Ctrl+X
Paste Ctrl+V
Move to the previous or next word. Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right
Remove the previous word. Ctrl+Backspace
Remove the current word. Ctrl+Delete
Create a line in the same paragraph or list item. Shift+Enter
Open link window Ctrl+L
Access the toolbar Alt+F10
Escape the toolbar and return focus on the editor ESC