Adding custom configuration to part number pattern

In the HCL Commerce Search, you can run natural-language searches using product part number. Apart from the default part number patterns, you can also add the new part number patterns to run the search using the product part number. For more information on the search based on product part number, refer to Product part number. The part number pattern can be configured in the zookeeper wc-component node. You can add comma-separated pattern in this node. New part number patterns are added using the POST request method. The existing part number patterns are updated using the PATCH request method.


The endpoints for this service are:



Following is a sample JSON configuration for part number pattern. It illustrates a comma separated multi-value setting for a part number Regex (regular expression) pattern that matches the examples, LR-FNTR-0001 and LR-FNTR-0001-0001 :

	"extendedconfiguration": {
		"configgrouping": [
			   "name": "SearchConfiguration",
			   "property": [
				"name": "PartNumberPatterns",
				"value": "^[a-zA-Z]+[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]+[-]{1}\\d+$,^[a-zA-Z]+[-]{1}[a-zA-Z]+[-]{1}\\d+[-]{1}\\d+$"