Updating the SITE table on the migrated development database

After you complete the database migration, the SITE table will still contain version 7.0 values. As a final step to the development database migration, update the SITE table to contain the required version 8.0 values by using the updateSiteTable command.


  1. Log on with a user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    • WCDE_installdir\bin
  3. Run the following command:
    • updateSiteTable.bat -DdbUserName dbUserName -DdbUserPassword dbUserPassword -DdbName dbName
    The database user name of the migrated database.
    The database user password of the migrated database.
    This parameter is only for remote databases and refers to the fully qualified host name, port, and database name of the migrated database, for example:
    • DB2hostname:port/database name
    • Oraclehostname:port:database name
  4. After the command completes, review of the following log to ensure that the command ran successfully:
    • WCDE_installdir\bin\updateServerSiteTable.log