Creating sales catalogs

You might want to add a sales catalog to your store to promote a seasonal line, such as winter clothing.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. From the explorer filter, select Sales Catalog Categories.
  3. Click File > New > Sales Catalog.
    The New Sales Catalog properties view displays.
  4. Expand the General Catalog Information section. Complete the following information:
    Code The unique identifier for the catalog.
    Name The name of the sales catalog.
    Short description Type a brief description of the category.
    Long description

    Type a detailed description, if applicable. You can enter HTML code in this field. If you choose to specify HTML code, you should receive this source code from your developers. Before you paste HTML code into the field, you must select Source in the editor toolbar. For more information about rich text editors, see Rich text editor (CKEditor).

  5. Expand the Display section. Complete the following information:
    Thumbnail Type the path to the thumbnail image and the name of the image, such as images/shirt.jpg. The forward slash (/) must be used as the directory separator.
    Full image Type in the relative path to the full image. The forward slash (/) must be used as the directory separator.
  6. Click Save; then click Close.