
Creating WebSphere Commerce users and groups

You need to create user IDs and groups on the local machine before you install WebSphere Commerce. The user IDs are needed during the installation process.

About this task

On any machine where you install WebSphere Commerce or the Configuration Manager client, you need to create local users and groups. You are prompted to enter user IDs during the installation process. You cannot complete the installation if these user IDs and groups are not set up correctly.
Note: During installation, the non-root user and non-root user group must be local; using LDAP users and groups is not supported.


  1. Enter the following command in a terminal window: su - root
  2. Create a non-root user ID and password for the user. Ensure that you set the home directory for the non-root user ID. If you create the directory manually, change the directory ownership to that of the non-root user.
  3. Create a user group and add the non-root user ID to the new group, setting the new group as the Primary Group or Default Group.
    Confirm that the non-root user is a member of the new group. For example, if the non-root user is wcuser, then issue the following command:
    • AIXid wcuser
    • Linuxgroups wcuser
  4. Record the non-root user ID, user group ID for the non-root user, and the full path of the home directory for the non-root user. This information is needed by the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard.
  5. Ensure that the non-root user's locale code is set properly. To check the current locale, issue the following command as the non-root user:
    • locale
    If you need to change to a different locale, see Globalization prerequisites for installing WebSphere Commerce.

What to do next

Ensure that the non-root user has no open connections when you start the installation wizard.