WebSphere Commerce Version or later

Enabling fix JR57887

If you do not want WebSphere Commerce to automatically delete order items that have an obsolete contract, then complete the following task to disable the feature.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Open the WC_eardir\xml\config\com.ibm.commerce.order-ext\wc-admin-component.xml configuration file.

    If the file does not exist, create the file and directory. For more information, see Changing properties in the order component configuration file (wc-admin-component.xml).

  3. Add the following code inside the <_config:extendedconfiguration> block.
    <_config:configgrouping name="DeleteItemForObsoleteContractId">
        <_config:property name="enabled" value="false"/>
  4. Save and test the changes.
  5. Deploy the changes to your production environment.