Deprecated feature

Cassette for BankServACH administrative objects

The Cassette for BankServACH uses and extends these framework objects for WebSphere Commerce Payments administration:

Each administrative object is defined by its attributes, or fields. The field names and field descriptions are shown for each administrative object.


Cassette properties that belong to a PSCassette Object
Field name Description
readTimeout Number of seconds to wait while communicating with the BankServ payment gateway.
connectTimeout Number of seconds to wait while attempting connection to the BankServ payment gateway.
connectRetries Number of times to try a connection attempt to the BankServ payment gateway.
maxRetries When a communications error occurs (that is, not a connection failure), the maximum number of immediate retries to attempt before either returning a communication error, or before entering the delayed retry cycle.
attemptInterval When a communications error occurs, the number of seconds to wait before trying the next set of (delayed) retries.
maxAttempts Maximum number of delayed retry sets.
bankServURL The URL used to access the BankServ payment gateway
socksHostName TCP/IP Host address for SOCKS server.
socksPortNumber TCP/IP port number for SOCKS server.

Cassette object XML example

This XML example shows a CassetteAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
    <PSCassette active="1" cassette="BankServACH" changesPending="0" companyPkgName="ibm"
     enabled="1" traceSetting="-1" valid="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="socksPortNumber" value="0">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="maxRetries" value="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="attemptInterval" value="300">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="readTimeout" value="60">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="connectRetries" value="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="maxAttempts" value="3">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="connectTimeout" value="60">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="socksHostName" value="">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="bankServURL"


Field name Description
batchCloseTime The time of day (in HMM format) in which a BatchClose should be automatically attempted.

This XML example shows a AccountAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
    <PSMerchantAccount active="1" apApproveFlag="0" apDepositFlag="0" 
        cassette="BankServACH"changesPending="0" enabled="1" 
        financialInstName="Bank of Raleigh" merchantAccount="1" 
        merchantAccountName="Emily" merchantNumber="123456789" valid="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="batchCloseTime" value="2330">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="accountNumber" value="1">


Each PaySystem represents configuration data that are different for each merchant, but common across all accounts for the given merchant. The following describes the BankServACH PaySystem data:

Field Name Description
merchantPIN BankServ assigned Merchant PIN.

This XML example shows a PaySystemAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
    <PSMerchantCassetteSettings active="1" cassette="BankServACH" changesPending="0">
        enabled="1" merchantNumber="123456789" valid="1">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
        <CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantPIN" value="123">