Child list editor widget flow

You can use a child list editor to add new child objects to a list, to delete objects from the list, or to edit an existing child object within the list.

Use the child list editor to edit a list of child objects. The behavior of the child list editor instance depends on the type of child objects that are being managed. If you are editing a list of plain child objects (wcfChildObjectDefinition), the child list editor includes a new icon and delete icon. It can also be configured to include the edit column icon (Edit Column icon) to open the Edit Column dialog to edit several cells in the same column at once with the same value. Here is an example of a child list editor within a properties view, with the new object and delete icons above the table:

Child list editor widget with new and delete icons
If you are editing a list of reference objects (wcfCollectionReferenceObjectDefinition, wcfParentReferenceObjectDefinition or wcfReferenceObjectDefinition), the child list editor includes the following elements:
  • A search field (Find and add dialog) to quickly find and add objects to the child list editor.
  • The open utilities view icon (Open utilities view icon). Use the utilities view to find objects to reference, and drag and drop or copy and paste them from the utilities view to the child list editor as an alternative to the search flow.

Here is an example of a child list editor within a properties view, with the find and add, show utilities view, edit column, and delete icons above the table:

Child list editor widget with find and add, show utilities view, edit column, and delete icons.

Child list editors can be included in a object's properties view (wcfObjectProperties) or a child list editor can be the list view within a navigation list (wcfNavigationListDefinition). If the child list editor is displayed as a navigation list, the add and delete icons, as well as the Find and Add button do not appear.