SolarisLinuxAIXWebSphere Commerce Version or laterWindows

For IBM i OS operating systemWindowsAIXLinuxSolaris Installing and configuring a new Oracle RAC database

WebSphere Application Server pooling provides workload balancing and failover to applications.

About this task

WebSphere Commerce instance creation uses the SID of one of the Oracle RAC nodes when it builds the JDBC URL. A number of other WebSphere Commerce utilities also use the SID of one of the Oracle RAC nodes. They must use the SID because of a limitation in WebSphere Commerce Version 7 and its support for Oracle. However, you can still use the full capabilities of Oracle RAC in your WebSphere Commerce application. To use its full capabilities, after you create the instance, update the data source definition in WebSphere Application Server to point to the Oracle service name instead of the SID.


  1. Install Oracle RAC and create an Oracle database.
    Install Oracle and create the database before you install WebSphere Commerce and create a WebSphere Commerce instance. Supported versions of Oracle RAC include,
  2. Set up Oracle RAC Single Client Access Name (SCAN) for the RAC cluster by following Oracle documentation.
  3. Create an Oracle service, oracleservice, on Oracle RAC.
    Enable Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) on the service, and define the preferred and available RAC nodes on the service by following Oracle documentation.
  4. Install WebSphere Commerce and create the WebSphere Commerce instance.
    When you create the WebSphere Commerce instance, provide the following information in the database page of the Configuration Manager:
    Database type
    Database administrator name
    Database administrator password
    Database name
    db-sid, a SID (not service name) from any node of Oracle RAC, such as, instance_1. The name you provide for the database name, must be the same as the Oracle SID.
    Oracle SID
    db-sid, a SID (not service name) from any node of Oracle RAC, such as, instance_1. The name you provide for the Oracle SID, must be the same as the database name.
    Database server host name
    db-hostname, which identifies the hostname where db-sid is active
    Database server port
    db-listener-port, which identifies the port on which a listener is active for connections to db-sid.

    Example: 1521

    Full path to data file
    Table space Name
  5. Ensure that you can connect to db-sid with sqlplus using a connect-descriptor defined using db-sid in tnsnames.ora.
  6. For each WebSphere Application Server, modify the WebSphere Commerce runtime data source in the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
    1. Open the administration console.
    2. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources
    3. Ensure that the Common and required data source properties URL shown for the WebSphere Commerce Oracle data source is as follows:
      • rac-scan identifies the hostname configured to resolve SCAN listeners.
      • rac-service-name identifies the service to connect to.
      For example:
  7. Optional: Configure the WebSphere Commerce quick publish data source in the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
    Do this step on the authoring server only if the authoring workspace is enabled and the Quick publish function is required.
    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Quick publish data source configuration page in WebSphere Application Server admin console.
    2. Change the Common and required data source properties URL shown for the WebSphere Commerce quick publish data source is as follows:
      For example:
      The quick publish data source must point to the production database, so the SCAN that you provide must be the SCAN of production database.