WebSphere Commerce Version

Running the toolkit delta preparation process

The delta preparation process compares the baseline and the target based on the deployment settings in the target to identify changes (also known as delta) between them and configures the delta assets and deployment settings as appropriate.

Before you begin

  • The target environment must be at the same code level as the baseline, otherwise delta deployment might introduce inconsistencies.
  • Both the baseline and the target deployment packages must be installed and available.
  • The deployment settings must have been configured for a full deployment in the target, so that the delta preparation process can determine the assets that need to be compared. Refer to the Configuring the toolkit deployment settings topic for detail.
    Note: In order for the delta deployment process to delete modules that have been deleted from the target, you must add the deleted modules to the appropriate module list properties in WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir/deploy-target-env.properties.


  1. Open a command prompt and change to the WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir directory.
  2. Run the following command:
    wcbd-rad-ant.bat -buildfile wcbd-delta-prepare.xml -Dtarget.env=target-env -Dbaseline.dir=WCBD_baseline_toolkit_deploy_dir


The following files and directories are created in WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir when the delta preparation process completes:

  • The new deployment configuration properties file, delta-deploy-target-env.properties, that is configured for and will be used for delta deployment.
  • The new source directory, delta-source, that contains only the changes between the baseline and the target, which will be used for the actual delta deployment.
  • The file delta-summary-target-env.xml, that contains a summary of the comparison between the baseline and the target, with all files and their delta type listed.
  • The log file, logs/delta-target-env/wcbd-delta-prepare.log, of the delta preparation process.

You can review these files as needed before running the deployment process in delta mode. If the delta preparation process detects that there are no changes between the baseline and the target, it will fail with a warning message of such finding.

What to do next

The target deployment package is now prepared to support delta deployment and the delta process can be run in delta mode to perform the actual deployment.