Publishing multiple store archives of one type per instance

If a composite store archive for a store type is published, you can publish multiple composite store archives of the store type. Similarly, if a corresponding organization structure store archive for a store type is published, you can publish multiple organization structure store archives for the store type.

About this task

When you are publishing a second store, you must change at least one of the parameters in the Parameters page for the store archive. The new parameter creates an instance of the store when you publish the store archive.

See ../concepts/csmssa.html for a complete list of all the store archives you can publish.


To publish multiple store archives of one type per instance:
  1. For the type of store archive you want to publish multiple times, ensure that you first publish an instance of the composite store archive or the organization structure.
  2. Determine the name of the organization for the component that you are publishing.

    If you are publishing an additional catalog asset store, the organization is important. If you publish an additional catalog asset store and use the default organization (Extended Sites Organization), the catalog asset store is assigned the same MEMBER_ID as the existing catalog asset stores within that parent organization. This behavior effectively bridges the two catalog asset stores into a single "shared" catalog. With the shared catalog, the two stores cannot have duplicate part numbers, and so on. If you want the stores to be separate and distinct, ensure that the additional catalog asset store is published under another organization.

  3. Follow the steps in Publishing a store archive using the Publish wizard . Component store archives are available from the business model views. Enter the name of the organization for the component you are publishing in the Parameters page of the Publish wizard. For more information about the parameters, see Publish wizard parameters by store archive.
  4. Change at least the store directory and store identifier parameters on the parameters page for the store archive.
  5. Ensure that you change the store directory name in the cachespec.xml file to match the store directory that you specified in step 4. For more information about the cachespec.xml file, see Publishing a store archive using the Publish wizard .
  6. WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce ProfessionalIn a clustered environment, you must synchronize all cluster members after you publish any store archive.