Publishing a WebSphere Commerce version 5.6.1 store archive in WebSphere Commerce version 7.0

To publish a WebSphere Commerce version 5.6.1 store archive in WebSphere Commerce version 7.0, you must first migrate the store archive to WebSphere Commerce version 7.0.

About this task

New features and enhancements in the WebSphere Commerce version 7.0 runtime architecture have made version 5.6.1 store archives incompatible with version 7.0.
  • The WebSphere Commerce Web application moved from a proprietary model-view-controller implementation to the Struts open source implementation. Struts is a well documented framework for Java EE Web application development, which has become an industry standard for deploying model-view-controller applications.
  • The stack move from WebSphere Application Server version 5.x to WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 uses JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, and JSTL 1.1 specifications.

Since you cannot publish a store archive that is based on WebSphere Commerce version 5.6.1 in WebSphere Commerce version 7.0, you must migrate your version 5.6.1 store archive to version 7.0, and then publish the store archive in version 7.0.

To migrate a version 5.6.1 store archive to version 7.0:


  1. Remove all references to the URLREG and VIEWREG database tables.
  2. Apply the correct JSP files to the version 7.0 store archive.
  3. identify the new store archive as a version 7.0 store archive.

What to do next

Now that you have migrated your version 5.6.1 store archive to version 7.0, you can publish the store archive in WebSphere Commerce version 7.0. After you publish the store archive, migrate your payments to use payment plug-ins.