Create Analysis Relevance Tab

The Relevance tab of the Create Analysis dialog lets you define a relevance clause to determine the applicability of your custom Analysis to specific computers.

This window displays the Create Analysis Relevance tab dialog. All computers, Computers which match the condition below and Computers which match all the relevance clauses below options are displayed under the Relevance tab.

You can choose from three relevance options:

  • All computers: This is the default choice and analyzes the properties you specify on all of the IBM Endpoint Manager Clients in your network.
  • Computers which match the condition below: When you select this choice, you can select from several pre-defined properties to identify a subset of Clients for analysis.
  • Computers with match all of the relevance clauses below: This choice lets you specify a computer with a custom relevance statement. This is the most powerful of the available choices, and lets you easily narrow down the computers to analyze.

You can create a new Analysis by selecting Tools > Create New Analysis, or you can edit a custom Analysis by right-clicking it and selecting Edit Custom Analysis from the context menu. To clone and edit an existing Analysis, first right-click it, select Export from the context menu to save it, then select File > Import to bring it back in for editing.